Green-tree supplies new bespoke soil for Rain Gardens

Green-tree has launched its new Rain Garden Filter Medium; a bespoke engineered soil for use in rain garden applications.
Green-tree has seen a sharp increase in enquires for rain gardens which are known to have a number of benefits. Rain gardens help deal more effectively with heavy rain by slowing down the flow of grey water. They are being used in flood management schemes where planting with vegetation also provides a biodiverse environment for the benefit of local wildlife.
A basic rain garden is a shallow depression with free draining soil and planted with vegetation that can withstand occasional temporary flooding.
Green-tree supplied 380m3 of Rain Garden medium for a pioneering road improvement scheme managed by Staffordshire County Council Highways department. The scheme was planted with reed beds and other water-loving plants and is part of their Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.
Mark Wood, Brand Development Director said,
“As flooding in both urban and rural environments continues to increase, we have seen a more urgent demand for environmentally-friendly responses and solutions. Our Green-tree Rain Garden Filter Medium has been designed specifically to slow down the flow of grey water run-off. Rather than rainwater running straight into storm water drains and rivers, it is diverted into a rain garden which enables the water to permeate at a slower and more controlled rate into the natural water course which will help to reduce the volume of destructive flooding we have seen in our towns over recent years. We work with landscape designers, architects and contractors and can advise on rain garden schemes which will meet the project requirements as well as the planting needs.”
Green-tree’s Rain Garden soil has been designed to slow down the flow of grey water to help reduce flooding. Effective permeability rates and porosity levels are achieved and the medium provides the correct nutrient requirements which will support a finished planting scheme