Thank you for filling out one of our marketing forms.
- If you have requested a brochure, this will be dealt with by our sales team and sent out the next working day after receiving the request.
- Competitions - Any details you have entered for a competition we are running, we will keep the details for the duration of the competition and notify the winner on the date given on the competition page. Once the competition is over your details will be deleted from our records permanently.
- For Newsletter Sign up requests we will add your details to our emailing list and send you Green-tech company and product updates. To have your details removed from this please send an email to with UNSUBSCRIBE NEWSLETTER in the subject line and we will remove your details within 1 working day.
- Workshop Attendance - The details you have entered to take part in one of our workshop days will be used only to confirm your attendance and keep you up to date with the event.